dimanche 22 décembre 2024
Accueil Auteurs Articles postés par Airlinesofficedesk24


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Passengers with particular travel requirements can receive professional help from the Ethiopian Airlines Beirut. The office makes sure every tourist is comfortable and safe, whether that means setting up wheelchair assistance, watching over unaccompanied youngsters, or providing special meal orders. The Beirut team can be contacted directly by passengers who require medical assistance or who are traveling with infants. All passengers will receive individualized attention and the greatest travel experience possible because to Ethiopian Airlines' dedication to customer satisfaction.

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L’ONU rejette les tentatives israéliennes d’établir des colonies à Gaza

Le Secrétaire général adjoint des Nations Unies pour les affaires du Moyen-Orient, Khaled Khiari, a appelé la communauté internationale à rejeter les tentatives d'établir...

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